40+ Tweets From Women Calling Out Society’s Ridiculous Expectations

40+ Tweets From Women Calling Out Society’s Ridiculous Expectations

Some aspects of feminism are dramatic and flashy — the #MeToo hashtag, the Women’s March, and celebrities exposing a certain Hollywood producer were all pivotal moments in the gender equality movement. However, sometimes you have to just do what you can each day to fight against the little guy. Truthfully, that’s just as important! See the women who are fighting on the front lines of feminism by calling out misogyny on social media!

Naturally Silent

Why on earth would this random guy think that the OP cares what he likes? Was he actually arrogant enough to believe that she was doing her makeup for his benefit? Also, let’s be honest — men say they want a woman to look “natural” but when she goes sans makeup, they ask her if she’s sick.

Naturally Silent

It’s bad enough that the OP had to rush to do her makeup during her morning commute, she didn’t need to hear how Chad prefers women while she was at it.

Great Idea!

This is most definitely a term that we all need in our lives! We now have Hepeated, Mansplaining, and Manspreading. Now, we just need a term for when a guy calls a woman “crazy” for recognizing his unhealthy behavior as a red flag. Maybe Hemented (He+Demented)?

Great Idea!

The next time a guy tries to question your sanity for being appropriately alarmed by something he did, tell people that he’s Hemented. If your guy friends don’t like that idea, just have Brad repeat it and then they’ll love it!

Can You Repeat That?

This woman has found the perfect solution to creepy comments. Nothing will ever make someone think twice about what they’ve just said like making them repeat it over and over.

Can You Repeat That?

Truthfully, this seems like the type of dude who loves to mansplain so he should’ve been delighted at the opportunity to clarify what he said. The fact that his shame overpowered his need to mansplain just proves that he was well aware that his comment was gross.

Send Nudes

When someone sends an inappropriate text, there are a few ways you can respond. Sure, you can just block them but what’s the fun in that? The OP knows how to laugh at a bad situation, as she had the perfect response to this guy asking her to send nudes.

Send Nudes

While we’re at it, always remember that if a guy sends you an unsolicited picture of his member — you should send a photo of a package back. It’s only the polite thing to do!

Ask Away

Guys, there’s seriously nothing to worry about, no one’s expecting you to be a mind reader. Just ask! If a woman has agreed to intimacy with you, then you’re already in a situation in which talking about intimate actions is not only acceptable but encouraged.

Ask Away

Have a conversation about what is and isn’t appropriate. If you don’t want to spoil the moment with a chat, then just ask consent before doing something new. Trust us… the sentence “Is this okay?” isn’t going to ruin the vibe — it may even enhance it!

Double Bag the Husband

We agree with the OP — that husband needs to go! Why would anyone be ashamed of a perfectly normal bodily function that happens to a vast amount of the population? He’s embarrassed?!

Double Bag the Husband

We’d be mortified to have a husband who’s ashamed of our periods. Someone needs to double bag him! We’d like to know if he feels equally shameful when he needs to buy himself Tums or acne cream. Does he ask his wife to double bag those?

Gillette vs. Toxic Men

Remember when the razor company Gillette released a commercial saying that men can do better than toxic masculinity? Some saw the ad for what it was — a call to action that truly compliments men, saying that it’s possible to be more.

Gillette vs. Toxic Men

Of course, there were also those whose egos were fragile and they insisted that the ad was an “attack on masculinity.” So, do those men want people to think they can’t possibly do better and they’re just victims of their testosterone desires? Wouldn’t that be more insulting?

Give Us a Smile!

This is truly an excellent question. While we’re at it, we have some other inquiries — if it’s just an innocent way to get through, why don’t men put their hands on the small of other men’s backs to squeeze past them?

Give Us a Smile!

If it’s so flattering, why don’t men catcall other men? If it’s such a sweet way to bond, why don’t men call each other condescending pet names like “baby” and “honey” when they’re not in a relationship? Grasping for an answer? We’ll wait.


This argument should be every person’s response when they dare to say that a woman was “asking for it” because of how she was dressed. It’s also worth noting that, according to dividedstatesofwomen.com, 90% of violence against women is performed by men.


Interestingly, most violence against men is also performed by men. Clearly, the “boys will be boys” mentality isn’t working and something needs to change. No, the change does not need to be women’s clothing.

No Means No

Any woman who’s ever had to deal with unwanted male attention knows that the most efficient way to get him to back off is to say you have a boyfriend. If you simply say any type of “no,” they’ll ask why — followed by a counter answer for each reason you give them.

No Means No

If you say you’re a lesbian, they’ll insist their magical member can change you. If you just walk away, they’ll follow you. However, if you tell them you have a man, that’s something they’ll respect.

You Tell Us

All the men who are triggered by feminism are either irrationally scared of gender equality or they’re legitimately scared of not being able to get away with their misogynistic behavior anymore.

You Tell Us

These feelings are usually accompanied by wildly exaggerated claims like, “You’re basically saying I can’t talk to women anymore.” Look, you only can’t talk to women anymore if you’re incapable of speaking appropriately. So, you tell us, Chad — can you talk to women?

Blaming the Victim

Society really needs to change the narrative around this insult. It should be something that we make fun of fathers, as it’s really a testament to his poor parenting. Making fun of a woman for her father’s failures?

Blaming the Victim

That makes about as much sense as watching Pirates of the Caribbean without Johnny Depp. Also, can we just all agree that it’s absolutely ridiculous all of a woman’s problems stemming from her father is absolutely ridiculous?

Maybe He Wanted It?

Maybe he wanted to get hit in the head? If he didn’t, did he tell her that? Is he sure that she heard him? If he really wanted to ensure he wouldn’t get hit in the head, he would’ve worn a helmet.

Maybe He Wanted It?

The fact that he was bleeding just proves that he wanted it – otherwise, his body would’ve had a way of shutting that whole thing down. We just don’t think that it’s right to ruin this woman’s life over something that may have been a misunderstanding.

You Did This to Yourselves

The rule of ‘women and children first’ was invented by… men. According to newscientist.com, this rule is actually a myth and was never really practiced. They state that this concept was invented by the British elite as a way of preventing women the legal right to vote.

You Did This to Yourselves

They used the myth of ‘women and children first’ to show that men would always act in the interest of women — even if it meant risking their own lives. However, this sort of morbid chivalry never really happened.


Ah, the good ol’ modesty double standards for men and women. Men can have their chests exposed in public but women cannot. This is despite the fact that women’s chests need to be used for feeding babies but men’s chests, with all due respect, never need to be out in public.


Also, girls are routinely sent home from school for dressing in a way that’s “distracting,” while boys are rarely sent home for their clothing choices. This sends the message to young girls that their education is less important than boys’ education.

Who Made the Rules?

A lot of societies seem to want to take away women’s rights and then get upset that women expect to be cared for accordingly. Women can’t have bank accounts, educations, or jobs? Okay, so don’t complain when she’s a golddigger.

Who Made the Rules?

Women have to carry pregnancies to term? Cool, enjoy paying child support! If men don’t like the consequences of these laws, then they should probably change the rules rather than blaming the women who were never a part of the conversation.

Age Gap

We all know Hollywood portrays older men as distinguished and handsome. Meanwhile, any actress over 35 is likely to be cast as the protagonist’s grandma. In real life, though, couples are happiest and have the least likelihood of divorce when they’re close in age, according to the Journal of Population Economics.

Age Gap

Unfortunately, Hollywood isn’t interested in reality and continues to cast ridiculously young women with older male leads. For example, Scarlett Johanssen was 18 when filming Lost in Translation while her on-screen beau Bill Murray was 52.

You Choose

This just proves that the issues the #MeToo movement brings to light aren’t new problems, they just weren’t always talked about. Even in the old days, women had to think of ways to force men to keep their hands to themselves.

You Choose

Of course, even back then, women were called “crazy” for being justifiably upset about something. It seems that some things just never change. Well, creeps of the world, it’s up to you — it’s either getting called out on social media or getting stabbed by a hat pin. You choose.

No One Owes You It

Is anyone else catching the unbelievably entitled wording that this guy is using? Why does he think that women owe him anything? Especially their bodies? The fact that he doesn’t even realize what’s wrong with what he’s saying just goes to show that the patriarchy runs deep with this dude.

No One Owes You It

Something tells us that there will be a lot of “headaches” from his future girlfriends — especially if they manage to read this post. Honestly, we genuinely have a headache from this guy!

Fair Enough

We honestly can’t even blame that female shark. Sometimes, someone just gets on your nerves so much and so often that there really doesn’t seem to be another other solution.

Fair Enough

We usually just have to deal with annoying people at work or in school but this poor shark had to live with that nuisance! Let this be a cautionary tale for anyone who’s thinking about invading a woman’s personal space — you just may get eaten.

It’s a Trap!

The narrative of marriage being a trap for men is utterly ridiculous, as the entire marriage process usually happens on a man’s timeline. Traditionally, men are the ones to propose so how exactly do they get “trapped”? If you don’t want to marry a woman, don’t propose to her!

It’s a Trap!

While we’re at it, let’s get rid of the whole “I hate my wife” cliché. If she’s really that bad, get a divorce! Don’t complain to your friends about how awful your wife is, just to be one of the guys.

A Master’s in Mansplaining

Believe it or not, this is a genuine ad for the University of Adelaide. As far as we know, the university doesn’t actually offer a Master’s in Mansplaining but it most certainly appears to. Just look at the models’ facial expressions — they seem just as upset as we are that they have to pose for this garbage!

A Master’s in Mansplaining

We’re pretty sure this wasn’t what they were expecting when they decided to be models. Oh, and it looks like the guy took that seat from the woman on his right.

Mixed Signals

If he didn’t want to get his stuff stolen, he probably shouldn’t have had adult beverages at the club. What did he expect to happen, dressed all fancy like that? Why was he teasing her that way, flashing his expensive watch and everything?

Mixed Signals

How was she supposed to resist? He clearly wanted it. Yeah, we know that he said “no” but he’d had a bit to drink, so he may not even be remembering it properly. If he really didn’t want her to steal his stuff, he wouldn’t have flaunted it.

Yeah, We Know

To all the men who insist on constantly saying ‘not all men,’ we know! No one ever said it was all men! It’s only some men but the problem is that it’s impossible to know which ones. Therefore, women need to exercise caution when dealing with all men.

Yeah, We Know

Think about it this way… if someone offered you a bowl of candy and said only 10 of the 100 candies were poisoned but they didn’t know which ones — would you take a risk and eat a candy?

They’re So Close to Getting It…

Men who say this are so painfully close to getting it but they just miss the mark. What’s that, Chad?

They’re So Close to Getting It…

You wouldn’t be flattered by a gay guy who’s twice your size saying something flirtatious to you when you’re just trying to get your work done? Then, why on earth do you think that Molly from accounting would like it?

The Secret’s Out

Sorry, Rob — but you’ve accidentally spilled your own secret. Believe it or not, women don’t wake up with perfectly tousled hair and glowing skin. Just like you don’t wake up with pre-typed rude comments on social media. It takes effort.

The Secret’s Out

Oh, and that’s not a woman catfishing. That’s a woman who lives in a society that bases a heavy emphasis on physical appearance, who had something important enough to say that it couldn’t wait for her to apply her makeup.

The Fear Is Real

Poor men, they have to be scared of being held accountable for their actions. Meanwhile, women have to be scared for their very lives. We really feel for those men, though. If only there were some way to prevent getting #MeToo’d.

The Fear Is Real

If only there were something the men who are complaining could do to ensure that they wouldn’t be held responsible for harassing women. Hmmm… well, they could just try not to harass women and see how that goes.

Perspective Is Everything

This is a common narrative that we hear when it comes to issues that involve gender politics. We’re taught “she slept her way to the top” rather than “she was taken advantage of by her boss.”

Perspective Is Everything

We hear “she got herself pregnant” instead of “they were intimate together, which resulted in pregnancy.” We’re told “she was asking for it” when it’s, “he thought her attire equated consent.” Maybe it’s time that we flip the script?

Stop Being So Emotional!

Have you ever seen a guy get really angry and then ask him to stop being so emotional? The look of utter confusion on his face is just priceless! Real talk, though, women aren’t actually any more emotional than men.

Stop Being So Emotional!

Dr. Catherine McKinley says that expression of emotion is viewed differently between genders, so women and men differ in how they can show their feelings. However, there’s no significant difference in the level or range of emotions men and women feel.

Not Here for You

Why on earth would a woman get ready to go to class, thinking, “What do men want to see?” She’s there for her own education, not to put on a show! If the men in class are so desperate to have some eye candy, they can sponsor the OP’s education and then have her dress however they want.

Not Here for You

Of course, only if the OP agrees to this arrangement! Otherwise, she’s paying way too much money and is way too busy learning to worry about what Mike wants to see.

Is This Better?

We’re not sure why that guy thought that was an appropriate comment to make but we’re glad the OP put him in his place! Really, it’s bad enough to flirt with a woman in a disgusting/creepy way but he even did it while the OP was at work.

Is This Better?

Hitting on someone in a place where they can’t leave is just a whole new level of gross. At least she had the guts to take him down a notch — hopefully she didn’t get in trouble for it.

Who’s Messing With Who?

Here, let us fix that for you — “I remember some of ya girls were taken advantage of by 30-year-olds while you were in high school, are you okay?” Or it can be, “I remember some of ya guys were messing with high school girls when you were 30 years old, I ain’t forget.”

Who’s Messing With Who?

There, that’s better. We’d say those men should go find some women their own age but, honestly, we don’t want them either!

Hahaha, I’m, Like, Hunting

Ah yes, that awkward moment when you need to hunt for food in order to survive but first need to do your makeup. You may be living in an apocalyptic world without basic survival necessities but you have an endless supply of beauty products available to you at all times. Need to fight your enemies?

Hahaha, I’m, Like, Hunting

Hold up, gotta reapply that lipstick first. Who cares about storylines, graphics, characters, or gameplay? All this guy cares about is whether or not he’s attracted to the animated protagonist.

Be Careful What You Wish For

We need someone to explain this to us because we’re confused. There are men who say that they’re intimidated by women who are more educated, more professionally successful, and make more money than them.

Be Careful What You Wish For

Then, they talk about how manly they are and their ability to provide. Yet, those same men call women “gold diggers” as an insult, rather than a logical conclusion to the precedent they’ve set. How does that make any sense?

A Man’s Man

Seriously, though, what’s wrong with just dating one of your boys if that’s what you want to do? Don’t date a woman, though, and then try to make her feel bad that she’s not enough of a dude for you.

A Man’s Man

There’s obviously nothing wrong with women who like more traditionally male things or men who like more traditionally female things. Our problem is with guys who try to make their girlfriends feel stupid for liking certain feminine things. Just date one of your bros, man!

Who Cares?

Seriously, why does this guy care what filter women like to use on their photos? Does it really affect his life in any way, whatsoever? Instead of this sad and obvious attempt to claim superiority, why doesn’t he just mind his own business and keep scrolling if he doesn’t like the filters?

Who Cares?

Besides, it’s not as if men don’t do weird things that women just kind of accept. Ever heard of cargo shorts? Yeah, we rest our case.

Who’s Gonna Marry YOU?

Well, clearly women who like these things aren’t going to marry this guy — and that’s fine by us! We’ll just stick to the men who know basic grammar. What does it matter to him what random women enjoy?

Who’s Gonna Marry YOU?

If those activities aren’t his thing, he should just find someone who’s more compatible with him. There’s no need to insult anyone, though. We hope that this guy will manage to find love soon. Maybe he’ll meet his dream woman at a Grammar for Dummies course?

Wasn’t Trying for You

There are those who actually think that the biggest possible insult to give a woman is that she’s not attractive to them. Why do these men think that every woman in the world is interested in attracting them?

Wasn’t Trying for You

Like, every time a woman leaves the house, it’s for those guys’ benefit. While we don’t condone this woman being rude, we do agree with her argument that she’s not fussed with whether or not the OP wants to sleep with her.

Mixed Messages

In an attempt to keep women safe, some people overexaggerate the dangers of men to their little girls. We get it — it’s a fine line to walk when you need to warn someone but also don’t want to make them overly fearful.

Mixed Messages

While we’re not blaming anyone for sometimes missing that mark, we do think they should be a little more understanding when women are confused by these mixed messages. How about we just teach men not to be toxic, instead of teaching women to be afraid of men?

The Only Appropriate Response

It’s only in Hollywood movies that the guy keeps persistently trying for the girl, who’s clearly not interested, and he eventually gets her. In real life, that behavior is toxic and creepy, and could possibly get a dude arrested.

The Only Appropriate Response

We’re not blaming the kid, as he’s young and clearly didn’t know better. Our issue is with the fact that no one ever explained this to him before. To quote the OP — teach your boys!

That Moment of Realization

Regardless of how pure their intentions may be, men will just never understand what women go through. According to Mary Dickson, men’s worst fear is that “women will laugh at them” while women’s biggest fear is “being killed.”

That Moment of Realization

With all due respect to men, these are two dramatically different fears and one scenario is glaringly worse than the other. While it’s understandable that men just don’t get it sometimes, we encourage them to keep that in mind rather than judging or mocking women.

Armor Is for the Weak

We want to extend this logic to female superheroes, as well. In fact, while we’re at it, let’s continue this into the real world. Ever seen a nightclub in the middle of the winter? You’ll find some women in short dresses that they somehow manage to wear while out in the cold.

Armor Is for the Weak

Meanwhile, the guys are wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants. Let’s see you go out in December in a short dress and then dance for four hours in heels, Chad!

The Dictionary Definition of Consent

Something tells us that this is the same type of guy who feels personally attacked by the #MeToo movement and claims that he can’t possibly know what a woman wants. He’s trying to shame women for wanting to be seen as attractive in some contexts but expects to be treated platonically in other contexts.

The Dictionary Definition of Consent

That’s literally the definition of consent! This is why we still need feminism — some men literally don’t understand what consent even is, so how can they properly ask for it?

Someone Get Him Some Ice!

That burn was so good, we can feel the heat from over here! Seriously, there’s a big difference between a girl’s bra strap showing and a man walking around with his package out for all to see.

Someone Get Him Some Ice!

The fact that this guy thinks these two things are equal says a lot about what he’s got to work with. You know what makes us “uncomfortable”? Society’s obsession with telling women what to wear for the sake of men.

Fixed It

There’s already a problem in society of people thinking that women exist for others’ viewing pleasure. However, this issue is particularly persistent when it comes to celebrities. Anytime a female A-lister goes out without makeup, the tabloids feel a need to report it — usually with an accompanying headline about she’s “let herself go.”

Fixed It

While Jennifer Garner is getting backlash for getting coffee without looking like she’s posing in Playboy, Jack Black constantly looks like he just rolled out of bed and no one bats an eye (which they shouldn’t).