40+ Tweets From Women Calling Out Society’s Ridiculous Expectations

40+ Tweets From Women Calling Out Society’s Ridiculous Expectations

Some aspects of feminism are dramatic and flashy — the #MeToo hashtag, the Women’s March, and celebrities exposing a certain Hollywood producer were all pivotal moments in the gender equality movement.

However, sometimes you have to just do what you can each day to fight against the little guy. Truthfully, that’s just as important!

See the women who are fighting on the front lines of feminism by calling out misogyny on social media!

Naturally Silent

Why on earth would this random guy think that the OP cares what he likes? Was he actually arrogant enough to believe that she was doing her makeup for his benefit?

Also, let’s be honest — men say they want a woman to look “natural” but when she goes sans makeup, they ask her if she’s sick.

Naturally Silent

It’s bad enough that the OP had to rush to do her makeup during her morning commute, she didn’t need to hear how Chad prefers women while she was at it.

Great Idea!

This is most definitely a term that we all need in our lives! We now have Hepeated, Mansplaining, and Manspreading.

Now, we just need a term for when a guy calls a woman “crazy” for recognizing his unhealthy behavior as a red flag. Maybe Hemented (He+Demented)?

Great Idea!

The next time a guy tries to question your sanity for being appropriately alarmed by something he did, tell people that he’s Hemented.

If your guy friends don’t like that idea, just have Brad repeat it and then they’ll love it!

Can You Repeat That?

This woman has found the perfect solution to creepy comments. Nothing will ever make someone think twice about what they’ve just said like making them repeat it over and over.

Can You Repeat That?

Truthfully, this seems like the type of dude who loves to mansplain so he should’ve been delighted at the opportunity to clarify what he said.

The fact that his shame overpowered his need to mansplain just proves that he was well aware that his comment was gross.

Send Nudes

When someone sends an inappropriate text, there are a few ways you can respond. Sure, you can just block them but what’s the fun in that?

The OP knows how to laugh at a bad situation, as she had the perfect response to this guy asking her to send nudes.

Send Nudes

While we’re at it, always remember that if a guy sends you an unsolicited picture of his member — you should send a photo of a package back.

It’s only the polite thing to do!