People Share ‘Red Flags’ They Ignored In Their Relationships That Turned Out to Be Very Toxic

People Share ‘Red Flags’ They Ignored In Their Relationships That Turned Out to Be Very Toxic

Hindsight is 20/20 and that can be especially true when it comes to relationships. We tend to get so caught up in the thrill of new love that we miss some neon-bright red flags along the way. That’s why these brave people chose to share the warning signs that they missed in their own relationships. Hopefully, none of these will look familiar, but if they do… RUN!

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Ah, gaslighting at its finest. Toxic people tend to think that all their ex-significant others were crazy, without realizing that they’re the ones who drove them crazy! Questioning someone’s sanity in order to win an argument is never okay, and more often than not – it’s a red flag.

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

If you’re in an argument with a toxic person and they call you “crazy,” that probably just means that you’ve figured them out and they don’t want you to know it.

Permission Slip

No one should ever have to ask their significant other’s permission in order to spend time with other people. We wonder if the OP’s partner would ask her permission before talking to his friends? Something tells us that the answer to that is “no.”

Permission Slip

At the end of the day, a relationship is supposed to be between equals, meaning neither person is in a position to give the other permission for anything. Advice? Recommendations? Thoughts? Sure! Permission? No!

Consistency Is Key

Many of us have experienced the roller coaster of an inconsistent partner. Relationships like that tend to be hot and cold, your partner may lovebomb you one day and totally ice you out the next.

Consistency Is Key

The idea is that they want to give you enough hope that you won’t leave, but create enough doubt that they can call you “crazy” if you ask for a commitment. Of course, once you decide you want to get off that roller coaster, they’ll label you as the bad guy.

Sorry, Not Sorry

We’re all for asking your partner to own up to their mistakes, but it has to be a two-way street. If one person acts like they’re little Miss/Mr perfect and simply putting up with their significant other’s mistakes, then it’s time to realize — that relationship is the real mistake!

Sorry, Not Sorry

Truthfully, in most couples’ fights, both people should apologize because — in a healthy relationship — you’d be sorry that you’re fighting at all. So, if a simple apology will fix things with the person you love, you’ll do it.