30+ Memes That Perfectly Describe the Absurdity of Disney Princess Logic
Exceptions to Every Rule
Growing up, we were taught the dangers that come with interacting with strangers. Disney’s Sleeping Beauty, however, had a different lesson in store for us. Clearly, sweet Aurora throws away all those PSAs about “stranger danger” out the window.
But, why would she forsake any thought of personal safety? For a smokin’ hot prince, of course! Wait, you mean to tell us that we should go off with a conventionally pretty person that we don’t know?
Who knew?!
Curiouser and Curiouser
If any of you aren’t anxiety-riddled control freaks in an out-of-control world, then this meme really isn’t going to do anything for you.
But, for the rest of us? Poor Alice and her many tears are super relatable.
The worst part is that even after going through this cycle of analyzing, overreacting, and then being fine, we’re not going to learn anything for next time.
So, to all our over-thinking brethren out there, we feel your pain!
Colors of the Wind
Clearly, Disney princess movies are the reason we all think our hair would look absolutely magical, blowing dramatically behind us. Remember that scene in Beauty and the Beast where Belle sings she wants to “travel in the great wide somewhere” with her silky locks beautifully gliding in the breeze?
Just think of any scene with Pocahontas listening to her ancestors in the wind… Sadly for us, if we tried to be dramatically aesthetic, all that would happen is the wind would blow our hair straight into our mouths.
Magic Make-Up
As anyone fond of putting on heavy makeup knows, the worst part is having to scrub it all off at the end of the day. But according to Mulan, in Disney princess land, getting makeup off is no trouble at all.
It just has to happen at the most emotionally reflective time of your “I Want” song (you know, that song at the start of the movie that tells you what the princess wants to accomplish).
Clearly, being dramatic has its perks.
Practically anyone who’s had access to a screen in the last 100 years knows all about the Disney Cooperation.
This means that we’ve all basically grown up learning all sorts of important life lessons from their many movies.
But none are more influential than the Disney princesses. While some of their lessons might be valuable, more often than not, their characters’ logic isn’t all that great.
Check out these hilarious memes that perfectly showcase that flawed logic.