These Tips Will Help You Cope With the Anxiety of Wedding Dress Shopping

Shopping for the dress of your dreams can be a lot more stressful than you might have anticipated. There are unlimited options and people to give opinions, and it can all get a little overwhelming.

Here are a couple of tips that you can try for yourself to handle wedding dress shopping anxiety like a pro.

Know What You Want

No matter what people have to say to you, remember, it is your wedding, it’s your big day. It’s important that your outfit reflects you and your soul.

No matter how many opinions you get, ensure that you don’t compromise unless necessary. People will try to introduce you to the latest trends and designs but it’s important that you remain true to your heart’s desire.

The only validation that is important and should matter is yours.

Your Mom’s Opinion Is Not the Final One

Yes, for some of us, validation from our mothers is very important. But girl, remember, this day is never coming back.

If you think your mother is too opinionated and can cause you anxiety, you might want to take your friends and siblings along rather than her.

You can also try and make her understand why the kind of dress you want is important to you. Landis Bejar, founder of AisleTalk suggests that brides try to talk to their mothers in the “


Take Your Biggest Supporters With You

You have your bridesmaids, your parents, your close family, and so many more people who want to be a part of the wedding dress shopping spree.

But, the more the merrier mantra might not always work in your favor. When it comes to clothing, everyone has their own ideas.

From the neckline to the fabric to the length of the dress, everybody has something to say. Therefore, make sure that you choose wisely who will accompany you, and be tasteful and kind when letting people know.

Carry a Snack With You

Sounds weird? It’s not. Looking for the right dress can take hours of wandering across the city. This is why it’s important that you always have a grab-and-go snack with you.

Something that would not create a mess and can be fulfilling at the same time. Also, if the shopping goes longer than you anticipated, make sure you take time to take your lovely ladies for a quick lunch.