Use these Tricks by Famous Public Speakers to Give the Best Wedding Toast

Weddings are one of the most important days of people’s lives. From décor to dresses, from toasts to dances, they plan everything months before the big day so that nothing goes south.

On a day as special as this, you definitely don’t wish to be the one who creates a blunder through your speech.

These tips will help you write the best wedding speech to wow away your audience.

Write the Best Wedding Speech

Although there is no one right way or order to put your words on this special occasion, according to some renowned speechwriters, a good wedding speech must happen in a certain flow.

Starting with a question or statement, rather than a joke, works better, states Jaime Pfeffer, an award-winning speaker.

It is important to make your audience feel involved by talking to them. Also, mention a few stories that include the happy couple to give your toast a personal touch.

Keep it Real

Toasts are a way of people showing off their love to the couple. Rather than creating a new character in your head, be the same as the bride and the groom knows you in real life. Speaking from personal experience, the co-founder of Simple Eloped, Matt Dalley, adds that a speech that is sweet, heartfelt, and authentic, can never go wrong.

Rehearsals Works in Your Favour

People often feel like there is no need to rehearse for a wedding speech because it’s personal and will come naturally on the auspicious day.

However, according to Barry Maher, a professional speaker and author, better preparations will lead to you making a better impression.

In fact, Kate Kenfield, an educator and speaker, suggests that people should record their rehearsals.

This way you can see where you fumbled or got stuck. Keeping note cards with you is another great idea to cut the fear and ensure that you have something to fall back on.

Don’t Go on and On

It’s someone else’s wedding so make sure that you don’t make the event about yourself. A wedding toast should not be more than five minutes.

Whatever you have to say, wrap it up within this timeframe. As David Litt, a renowned speech writer, states he has never been to a wedding wherein the best man’s speech was too short for the audience to appreciate.

Knowing when to stop will make all the difference between people remembering you fondly or as the person who hijacked the wedding.